Wednesday, December 8, 2010

NO Holiday Weight Gain Lose Weight Totally

You can enjoy your favorite holiday foods without putting on extra weight, by making up your mind to balance your enjoyment of the holidays, with your health.
Here are 12 helpful suggestions to help you avoid holiday weight gain, while still enjoying the holidays:
1. Add a little time, each day, to your normal exercise routine to help maintain balance. By adding just five or ten minutes each day, most extra calories will be consumed and you will avoid gaining weight during the holidays. You may even drop a pound or two.
2. Great holiday tradition - Walking with the Family!
A family walk:
-Gets folks out of the house and away from food for just awhile,
-Helps burn a few calories,
-Gives a sense of momentum toward healthy eating
-Helps most of the family group feel better and
-Hopefully draws the family closer together.
3. Slow down your digestion process by eating foods containing protein BEFORE eating foods containing carbohydrates. Doing this will help keep your blood sugar more stabilized, help you feel fuller sooner, and help you avoid overeating.
4. Enjoy the special treats you love, just fewer bites. The first two or three bites of any of your favorite foods are the most enjoyable and tasty. Allow yourself to enjoy special treats and your favorite dishes on the holidays, in moderation.
5. For Buffet style dinners, do a walk around the buffet line without a plate and notice your favorite items. Then take a minute or two to set your priorities. Then take the smaller plate and go through the buffet line, limiting your portions by not stacking your food. Only build one level of food on your plate. You can always go back if you missed something you are craving.
6. When it comes to dessert, enjoy those desserts you love most, in moderate portion.
7. At a big gathering, with food richly abundant, treat yourself to four or five bites of each of the foods you love most, and you will enjoy your meal without the misery of being over-stuffed.
8. Eat some foods that are normally forbidden and Enjoy Them! When you control your portions you can have your most favorite scrumptious foods without the emotional lashing you might otherwise give yourself.
9. Avoid going to a big meal hungry. Stay on your normal eating schedule the day of a big meal. This will help control your hunger so you are less likely to over-eat.
10. Fill up with less food by chewing your food more slowly. Try laying your fork down between bites so you enjoy your meal at a more relaxed pace.
11. Drink plenty of Water throughout the day to keep your cells hydrated, to maintain a strong energy level, and to support your digestion. Good hydration enables you to make better food choices.
12. Take time each day to unwind. During the holidays it is easy for schedules to get too busy and for each of us to reach emotional overload. The airlines express the idea well: "If traveling with a child, place your oxygen mask on first, then your child". You must insist on daily time to take care of yourself. Life will be more peaceful and you will do less emotional eating.
Trying to avoid holiday weight gain can be challenging. I hope these 12 suggestions are helpful.
May you have a healthy Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lose Stomach Weight Fast

Some people are under the impression that it is possible to lose stomach weight fast by doing exercises that concentrate on muscles in that area of the body. This is not true. While gaining muscle anywhere on the body is good for burning calories that will in turn burn fat, it is impossible to know where your body will decide to take the fat from. If you are genetically predisposed to have fat on your stomach, then it will be very difficult to get the fat away from there. The best you can do is to develop a good diet and exercise plan and hope for the best.
Now, I do not want to make you lose hope. There is always hope when it comes to weight loss. If you have more chub around your navel than you would prefer, then you need to work out your entire body to make that look better. Still, like I said before, no matter how many abdominal workouts you do, you are not going to lose weight off of your stomach unless your body decides that it wants to remove fat from there.
Studies do show that sometimes you lose weight in the order from where you gained it. Often, people will gain weight in one area first, then in other areas. As you start to lose weight, your body might get rid of it in the opposite order. So, if you gained the weight in your belly first, then you might have more work to do than someone who gained the weight in their belly last.
It is dangerouos to have a lot of fat in your stomach. People who have fat bellies are more prone to develop diabetes. This terrible disease can sometimes be beat by losing weight. So, it is smart to want to get rid of the fat inside of your belly. You just need to be practical in your goals.
So, don't worry so much about how to lose stomach weight fast, and instead concentrate on just losing all of your excess weight as fast as it is healthy.
You can do this through a stringent exercise plan. You can form one of these with the help of a personal trainer or on your own. No matter which plan you choose, you need to be strong enough to follow the plan for the rest of your life if you have to.

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