Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2 Things You Need To Do In order To Lose Weight

If you resolute in purpose about losing weight, I mean, healthy and permanent weight, it is important for you to put in place achievable goals of losing weight. Most people have no set plans in mind except that of losing weight very quickly. The quicker they can lose weight, the better. They have no possible course of action of how much time it takes to lose weight healthily.
   Here are the things to do to lose weight:-  
   Exercises: - Speaking of exercises, weight training is one of the best exercises for quick weight loss. Contrary to what women think, not only is this exercise not just for men, it also won't take away the female sex or gender of women.
    As a matter of fact, if one wants to build huge muscles like the bodybuilders, the presence of a hormone called testerone is important, which women don't have. Besides, bodybuilders are not able to build muscles just by exercises alone. They also use supplements, steroids and protein shakes to acquire the muscular body.
   There are many other benefits of exercises than just weight loss. Exercises will make you more energetic; you get this extra energy by burning your fat deposits. Apart from that, you will also be able to sleep more soundly.
   Another way you can gain from exercises is that they help you build strong lean muscles; improve your immune system and stamina. Exercises also help in improving the tone and appearance of skin, something which most women are worried with.
   Diets: - These people get attracted to fad diets and weight loss pills that promise the moon. While they end up losing a few pounds, that is not weight loss. With most of the fad diets, you will lose more water and muscles than fat. I am sure you will agree that this is an unhealthy way of losing weight! Moreover, such weight loss is not permanent. Sooner or later you will regain all your 'lost' pounds.
   One more thing: your aim shouldn't be to have a body like Victoria Beckham or Jessica Alba; remember that they have money to help them maintain that slim figure, which you probably don't have. 
   Moreover, you don't need to be like them. To become healthy, all you need is to lose enough weight so that you can reach your desired body weight! To do that, you won't need to use any fad diets or starve for weeks unending. All you need to do is to eat right and include the right dose of exercises with it; with this combo, you are sure to lose all those uneasily relinquished weight.
   I would suggest that you forget about the word 'dieting' and focus on healthy eating instead! For beginners, you can replace fizzy drinks and soda with water; with this, you will be able to satisfy your thirst without adding any fat. Some people think that soft drinks that come with the 'low-calorie' tag are okay. However, this is wrong! Low-calorie soft drinks not only taste bad, but being deprived of fructose, they make you crave for sugar.
   You should also replace white flour with whole grain wheat. Whole grain wheat contains little fat. Being rich in protein and fiber, it will help you with weight loss!

The Greatest Truth of Successful Weight Loss

  When it comes to weight loss, the greatest challenge people face is that of starting. They just don't have any knowledge of where to start from! If you belong to this class of people then; this article is for you! It doesn't really matter whether you want to lose ten or hundred pounds during weight loss process, the tips I am going to share with you in this article are going to help you in a great way to achieve your weight-loss plans!
  The first step to successful weight loss is to have some goals in place. Goals should be used in the same way as thermometer are used to measure temperature. Just as without any thermometer, you will have no idea of the degree of hotness, without a goal or plan, you will have no idea of how much work you need to do to shed all the extra weight!  
  First you should ask yourself some questions:
 1. How much weight you want to lose?
2. At what time you expect to lose all the weight?
3. What programs are in place to achieve your weight loss goals?
4. What are the methods of weight loss exercises you’ll engage in?
5. What kind of diet you will eat to achieve your goal?
6. What kind of pills and drugs to use for weight loss?
  Then write answers to these questions on a sheet of paper. Oh yeah, before I forget, let me tell you that writing your goals is one of the surefire ways of making sure that you never forget them! Write your weight loss goals on a piece of paper, make copies of that paper, and stick each paper on every place you can easily see them. This is a great strategy to achieve weight-loss!
  Make sure you don't forget to stick this paper on your refrigerator and kitchen, since it is in these places that the demon called temptation tries to ruin your weight loss efforts!
   Setting goals is just not enough; in order to make the goals achievable, you must set REALISTIC goals. If you have a goal of losing sixty pounds within a couple of weeks or a month, that is not going to happen. Setting such unrealistic goals for your-self will nullify the very effect of goal setting for weight loss.
   When you set unrealistic goals and fail to achieve the same, you will be disappointed and frustrated with yourself and your weight loss efforts.
   Ideally, no matter what you do, you would be able to lose no more than 1-2 pounds during weight loss regimen per week. So create your goals accordingly. If you want to lose fifty pounds of weight, it will take you at least six-seven months to achieve the same!

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